AUSE スキンケア ハリウッド化粧品

AUSE スキンケア ハリウッド化粧品
AUSE スキンケア ハリウッド化粧品


いつでも、誰もが逢いたくなる特別な私Always Ultra Singular to Encounter




Find the true you, like never before.
Embrace beautiful things everyday.
Discover different happiness every chance.
It is time to get carried away with the beauty, Ause.

あたらしい あなたを えがく


Find the true you, like never before.
Embrace beautiful things every day.
Discover different happiness every chance.
It is time to get carried away with the beauty, AUSE.

Hollywood cosmetic is introducing a Japanese new skin care line, featuring on their best seller enzyme pack, focused on the effect of enzyme.

By continuing using, discover new and beautiful skin day by day. Encounter with fulfilling new self that is gentle and filled. AUSE is a new skin care line made in Japan based on enzymes, made with the aspiration to support the lucency of working women. To Japanese brilliant women, from Japan to the world.

History of Hollywood Cosmetics ~The Origin of the Company Name~

AUSE スキンケア ハリウッド化粧品


AUSE スキンケア ハリウッド化粧品


AUSE-オウセ- ネーミングに込めた思い

「オウセ」というのは 漢字で「逢瀬・おうせ」、日本の口語で「逢う」に「瀬」なのです。つまり、新しい自分に出逢ってほしい、見つけてほしい、お店で、この商品で、新しい「肌」に出逢ってほしい、という意味が込められているのです。そして、最近、世界中から注目されている made in japan の化粧品を届けたい。六本木から生まれた、このスキンケアにたくさんの女性が出逢ってほしい。そんな思いを込めて「AUSE」にしました。

AUSE Branding (by Midori Takahashi, AUSE Brand Director)
The story of the naming AUSE

"AUSE" is "逢瀬(おうせ)" in kanji, in Japanese spoken word means "to meet". My wish in the name of “AUSE” is for you to meet your new self, to find your new self, and to find the new touch of your skin with this product. I yearn to send you the “made in japan” cosmetics, attracting attention from all over the world recently. With a wish that many women to meet this skin care line from Roppongi Tokyo, I named it “AUSE”


私の愛用品である「酵素パック」は、1回で使用感を実感できる優れもの。AUSEはそんな酵素パックをはじめとするスキンケアが、酵素に着目されて開発されており、現代に生きる、元気に働く、多くの女性に出逢ってほしい商品です。90年の歴史を持つ自社研究室で丁寧に開発された信頼できる中身だからこそ、見た目にもデザイン性が高く、機能的で、なおかつmade in japanを感じる「和」の雰囲気を表現しました。

Persistency in planning and development
-penetrate the aesthetic sense-

My favorite item "enzyme pack" is an excellent product that you can realize the impact of use at once. AUSE is a skin care line, including such enzyme packs, developed focusing on enzyme, thus I would like many women who work actively in this present age to meet this product.
Because it is a reliable content carefully developed in our own laboratory with a history of 90 years, it expresses the atmosphere of 'Japanese' feeling of made in japan, which is also highly functional in appearance.



Make your colors in subdued traditional Japanese colors

The coloring of the bottle head is applied with the traditional Japanese color, which expresses the color of the natural world, different from general red, yellow, blue, etc. It is very nice if you line up all the items with nanohana-iro (the color of rape blossoms), sora-iro (the color of the sky), kujaku-iro (the color of peacocks), futaai (a dull bluish purple), botan-iro (the color of peonies), kokihi (deep scarlet) and so on. The color will guide the order to use, and would be easier to recognize which item to buy.



Closely support the lifestyles of women wherever they are

We aimed to design bottles that would look beautiful at home, but not in an ostentatious way, such as on a dresser and desk, or in the bathroom. We came up with these sharp, rectangular bottles that can work as part of the interior décor whenever they are placed. The minimalist design also allows them to be easily carried, if you wish to take them on trips. The simple and stylish appearance reflects the image of sophisticated women.


I requested the image illustrations to my dear Tamaki Ogata, who paints mature women so beautifully, to express the design of AUSE filled with my wish. You will find Tamaki’s water painting on the shoppers, which represents the brand, and the catalogs, Tamaki layers the image of women’s grace on magnolia, and the image of women’s strength on iris, both motifs she loves to paint.



My first-time cosmetic planning and development

I was already a fan of Hollywood Cosmetics before I was involved with this project. Especially, I adore “enzyme pack”, which saved me from my skin problems in my twenties to thirties, and even now. It attracted me that this “enzyme pack” was included in the AUSE lineup. As Hollywood Cosmetics is a reliable brand to me, I was happy to cooperate in this project to share an idea such as “What can we do to introduce AUSE to many women, and channel their feeling to use them?”.


澄みわたるように凛として潔く、ときにはフェミニンで官能をも感じさせるスタイルのある女性たちに、さらなる洗練のもと、幸せにする時間、場所、その出逢いをAUSEが創造できると願っています。そして六本木発、made in JAPAN のAUSEは、日本だけでなく、世界中の女性に愛されるはずです。

Blissful moment, place, find the new you

I wish AUSE to create a blissful moment, place, and encounter to women who have their own styles, clearly high-souled and sometimes feminine and even sensuous. I have no doubt that AUSE, from Roppongi Hills, made in Japan, will be beloved of not only women in Japan, but also all over the world.


We wanted to introduce “AUSE” in a different way from our ordinally Hollywood Cosmetics products, and welcomed Midori Takahashi to our project. Her active career in the fashion field is well-known, and now she is working on PR and Branding, standing by the side of people, company and brand. “I want to fulfill women’s daily life gracefully with positive mind to live as she is, no matter how old she is.” Based on this penetrated philosophy, she created to brand image of “AUSE” from her extended experience and sense. “Concept”” naming”” logo”” bottle and package design”. Each of these are filled with one and only concept of values.
Actually, Midori and her mother are our customer at Hollywood Beauty Salon, and they are fans of “enzyme pack” from years before. They love and rely on the quality of our products, and such relationship made the link stronger.


髙橋みどり/Midori Takahashi

法政大学法学部卒業。テレビ朝日の女性向け情報番組のファッションレポーターとして活躍後、ジュン アシダ、メルローズの企画部販売促進担当として、プレスの仕事を確立する。1990年バーニーズ ニューヨーク日本進出にともない、宣伝部ジェネラルマネージャーに就任。ジョルジオ アルマーニ ジャパン広報室長を経て、2000年にエストネーションを設立。エグゼクティブオフィサーとして、広告宣伝、PR、マーケティングの統括を担う。2004年から2005年までは六本木ヒルズ店の店長を兼任。
人、企業、ブランドを応援したいという強い思いで、PR、マーケティング、商品や店舗活用のプロデュースを行うほか、原稿執筆、セミナー講師、また光文社ハーズの<HERS GREEN LABEL>ではディレクター兼モデルとして誌面を飾り、2015 年8 月よりTVQ 九州放送のテレビ番組『ウィズ』に出演し、“オシャレ賢者達のイイ女レッスン“と題したファッション企画で年代やシーンに合わせたコーディネートを提案するなど、活躍の場を広げている。

『働く女性のワードローブ おしゃれの教科書』(講談社)
『大人おしゃれのルール FASHION RULE BOOK』(講談社)


Midori Takahashi

Graduated from law school of Hosei University. After working as a fashion reporter for information show for women on TV Asahi, established a press work as sales promotion manager in planning department at Jun Ashida and Melrose. In 1990 became general manager of the advertising division at Barney 's New York in Japan. After working as public relations department manager at Giorgio Armani Japan, established Estnation in 2000. As an executive officer, presided advertising, PR, and marketing. From 2004 to 2005 served concurrently as manager of Roppongi Hills store. In June 2005, established her own company, Owens Co., Ltd.
In addition to producing PR, marketing, products and store utilization with a strong will to support people, businesses and brands, works as a writer and seminar lecturer. Also, appeared in the pages of from Kobunsha Hers as a model and director. From August 2015, appears in the fashion program of TV show "Wiz"( TVQ Kyushu broadcasting), advising the fashion coordinate that suit their age and the occasion.

"Important Things Learned from Armani to Shine at Work " (Asa Publishing)
"Working Women's Wardrobe /Textbook of Fashion" (Kodansha)
"Fashion Rules for Adults FASHION RULE BOOK" (Kodansha)
"The Secret of Dandyism of Brilliant Men" (Kodansha)

Official blog

AUSE スキンケア ハリウッド化粧品


AUSE スキンケア ハリウッド化粧品

緒方 環さん



Design (by Tamaki Ogata, AUSE Image Illustrator)
Illustrations for cosmetic brands involved from branding

It was the first time to provide illustrations for cosmetic brands. I usually draw for magazines, but I had been interested in the work for the cosmetics industry from before. Since participated from the branding meeting, the motivation of providing illustration was different from usual. More than anything, I think providing illustrations to products is a great thing because it will remain after.



Collaboration with Midori Takahashi

This is second time for me to work with her. The first time was painting illustration for her book. I knew her from the time when she launched Estnation. I still remember how honored I was when I got an offer from her, because not only people in the fashion industry but also women with work all look up to her. When I work with Midori, there are always a clear concept. Even in this AUSE project, since the target and the brand concept were well expressed in the word, I felt that it is easier to communicate the intention and share the recognition, and the work proceeded smoothly.

AUSE-オウセ- イメージイラスト


Inspiration for "Magnolia" and "iris"

I heard from Ms. Takahashi that “the image is dignified Japanese Wa(和) “, so I chose an elegant flower with strong core, rather than gorgeous one. "Magnolia", It was perfect for the seasons and what I had wanted to paint from before. There was concern about the influence of ingredients used because of the cosmetics product, but it was possible to fit in the image, and this job was very rewarding for me.



Dear AUSE users

We assume the level of beauty and consciousness are rising steadily. However, compared to foreign women, it tends to be young and immature somehow. We would like you to aim the beauty unique to Japanese woman who combines both strength and suppleness, wearing Japanese elegance, like the image of AUSE.
We hope that woman with Japanese sense of beauty will be increasing.


AUSE Project had been proceeded under Imaging director Midori Takahashi, when the team decided the contents of cosmetics, bottle deign, and starting produce package, shopping bags, the illustrator Tamaki Ogata had joined the project. The concept of AUSE transformed into a certain one by adding illustration of Tamaki Ogata who is frequently appearing in women's magazines and famous brands.


緒方 環/Tamaki Ogata

女性誌イラストレーション(小学館/Domani、Precious、和楽、美的、集英社/eclat、SPUR、marisol、宝島社/GLOW、婦人画報社/婦人画報、マガジンハウス/クロワッサンプレミアム、中央公論社/婦人公論、阪急コミュニケーションズ/FIGAROjapon 、文化出版曲/ミセス、株式会社フォクシー/FOXEY MAGAZINE 等)書籍表画(講談社、玄冬舎、ワニブックス、NHK出版 等)株)TOMORROWLAND/DES PRESのカタログ及びDMCOREDO日本橋3周年AD日本橋高島屋『LUXSTYL」表画及びフェアのウインドウディスプレイVIronバゲットバッグ企画デザインオリジナルテーブルウエアブランド「hakuji」デザイン&プロデューススタイルミーツピープル(東京ミッドタウン)Art&Aromaシリーズ・デザイン。

Tamaki Ogata

After Graduation from Tama Art University Textile Design Course, moved to France.
After staying in Paris for 2 years, then became a free illustrator.
Female magazine illustration (Shogakukan Inc. / Domani, Precious, Waraku, Sueisha Inc/ eclat, SPUR, Marisol, Takarajimasha Inc/ GLOW, Fujingaho Inc/ Fujingaho, Magazine co., Ltd/ Croissant premium, Chuokoronsha. Inc/ Fujin koron, Hankyu Communications Company, Ltd/ FIGAROjapon, Bunka Publishing Bureau/ Mrs, FOXEY CORPORATION/ FOXEY MAGAZINE …)
Book cover illustration (Kodansha Ltd. / GENTOSHA INC./ WANI BOOKS CO.,LTD./ NHK Publishing, Inc. )
Catalogs of TOMORROWLAND/DES PRES and DMCOREDO Nihonbshi 3th Anniversary AD,
designed TAKASHIMAYA Nihombashi store『LUXSTYL』 cover and window display Vlron Baguette bag project, original table ware bland 「hakuji」& produced STYLE MEETS PEOPLE (Tokyo Midtown) Art&Aroma series.

AUSE スキンケア ハリウッド化粧品

肌と酵素の関係性にあらためて着目Hollywood cosmetics is the pioneer of producing Enzyme cosmetics,Therefore, we focused on the relationship between Skin and Enzymes once again.

AUSE スキンケア ハリウッド化粧品

Technical Background



Technical Background

Supports homeostasis of your skin and Keeps your own power in your skin.
There are more than 3,000 types of enzymes in our body, and they are working even in this moment. In fact, enzymes are very important material for supporting our life and for our skin. There are various of enzymes on our skin and they are working by collaborating with each other to maintain homeostasis of our skin. AUSE is a unique skincare brand of Hollywood cosmetics, focusing on the function of enzyme constantly from items for remove to items for give.
It aims to support homeostasis of skin by maintaining the forces that the skin inherently possesses. By comprehensively balancing the skin, keeps the skin force, and cleating anti-aging skin that shines from within.

肌と酵素の関係性にあらためて着目Hollywood cosmetics is the pioneer of producing Enzyme cosmetics,Therefore, we focused on the relationship between Skin and Enzymes once again.

AUSE スキンケア ハリウッド化粧品
AUSE スキンケア ハリウッド化粧品


畑中正人/Masato Hatanaka

独学で音楽を学び1995年にデビュー。音のオートクチュールをコンセプトに舞台、アート、広告、映像、ファッション、建築などあらゆる分野に「音楽」や「音」を提供。2002年よりドイツ・ハンブルクに拠点を移し主にバレエ音楽を数多く手がける。2004年帰国後は三宅一生21世紀人展、ミラノサローネ「CANON NEOREAL WONDER」、ISSEY MIYAKE パリコレクション、東京スカイツリー天望回廊、matohuコレクション、レクサス青山など多数。

Music (by Masato Hatanaka - Composition / Sound Design)

Born in Hokkaido in 1975, Masato Hatanaka studied composition, piano and acoustic by himself and started his professional career in 1995. He has produced various music for stage, events, TV, film, installation, architecture, product, corporation promotion and advertisement fields.
In 2002, moved to Germany. At that time, he made the music of the ballet.
In 2004, He returned to Japan and made music and sound for many exhibition space, architectural space and fashion show. His activities continue to expand the area of music and sound, it has been internationally praised.



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